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Stay Protected, Feel Secure
with elk

Make sure your insurance suits you, your lifestyle and protects your family

We all have plans and dreams for the future.

Preparing for the future also means making sure you are ready to face life’s challenges.

If you have ever had a car accident or couldn’t work due to illness or injury, then you really know having protection is important and essential.

What’s important when it comes to insurance?


Keeping your family financially secure?

Being covered when you can’t work?

Protecting your business to ensure it can continue to operate?

Keeping on top of the cost of insurance as you get older (stepped premiums vs level premiums)

Having the right definitions of cover (total and permanent disablement, any occupation vs own occupation; income protection, indemnity vs agreed value)


If you haven’t looked over your insurance recently, then it’s time to ask if you and your family are really protected.


Talk to elk about if your current cover is what you need and still protecting you

elk do things differently.


We can look at your finances, investments and lifestyle needs from all financial perspectives, and set up the coverage that suits you.

Now, you can get back to living out your goals and dreams- knowing the important people and things in your life are protected.

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